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Thread #106771   Message #2219712
Posted By: Bobert
20-Dec-07 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Ummmm, English comprehension ain't the problem... I comprhend just fine... And I read just fine... Okay, a tad slow because of lexdexia but once I have plowed thru the stuff I comprehand just fine... Yeah, spelling and typing suck but I get the material...

I don't know what I'm gonna do with you, T??? You expect me to provide the burden of truth behind what I not only read, comprehand and then share with you but you think that you shouldn't be held to the same standard on what you read, comprhend and share... You know what they call that, don't ya"??? Well, don't hurt your head... It's called hypocrsiy...

On every issue that you have listed in you above post there is ink that goes both ways... Yes, I will freely admit that I, like 60% plus Americans don't like Bush and/or his policies... One of the major problems I, along with many of these people, have with Bush is that he is not a credible person... We have seen repeated instances where he has just shot off his mouth and said whatever he thought would sound cool, or tough, or whatever and then his handlers have to come behind him and clean up from lies, half-lies and fantasies...

The "16 words" is probably the straw that broke the camel's back... G. Tenant had told him before the Oct.11 Cincinaati speech that there was no evidence that Iraq had an active nuclear weapons program and to not use the words (i.e. don't tell the lie, George) and so George didn't tell the lie... But then he gets up with yer bud, Blair, and next thing ya' know here's some college kids term paper that was written a long time ago that is the basis of the "16 words"... By the time the State of the Union address came around alot of things had happened other than the college kid's term paper...

For starters, Dick Cheney had purdy much camped out at Langley (CIA headquarters) and was putting heavy pressure on the Langley folks... But even with Cheney's full-court=press there were still anylaists who disagreed with the college kid's term paper, thought it was bogus and in intellegence reprts made dieenting comments at the end of these reports...

Now, war ain't like a video game or a western movie, T... It's the real deal where people get seriously hurt or killed... Given the graveness of war a responisible president would have made every effore to get things right... Bush didn't... He jumped all over the term paper, or whatever it was, and ordered up the invasion... That was not the responsible thing to do...

Hey, if there weren't millions of people in the streets telling him that he was wrong to invade Iraq, I can kinda see where maybe Bush irresponsible decison could sonmewhat be justified by his supporters... But there were millions and people in the street... And there were crdible people like Scott Ritter saying "Hey, Bush. You got it wrong."

Like I said, war ain't a movie and Bush treated it as if it was... That, INO, is not only dishonest but dillusional...
