The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107029   Message #2220135
Posted By: autolycus
21-Dec-07 - 01:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality
Subject: RE: BS: Human Consciousness & Perceived Reality

(In my usual rush in the morning)

Not sure about our "only" work, but this psychotherapist largely agrees. being a therapist invovolves constant looking at, and dealing with, aspects , of our selves, because clients are constantly reaching parts of ourselves that aren't finished (!!!?????!)

One my earlier points is touched on by your quote, so it's worth saying again. namelly that it is precisely "looking at ourselves" that people are, in so many ways , resistant to - hence blaming, amongst other things.(A classic way to let yourself off the hook)

And i suggested that the thought that scientists are up for studying absolutely everything in the galaxy with the one exception of THEMSELVES is the Western world's underpinning of avoiding the self. (Psychologists are happy looking at The Self. But Themselves? )

That's so endemic that people have loads of reasons for doing so - indulgent, narcissistic, gangerous, frightening - and even clients (i.e.those who've chosen counselling) and trainees (those who've chosen the therapeutic path) both resist at different times, examining themselves .

Socrates said it; the Oracle at Delphi said it; Shakespeare alluded to it.

Do we want to hear? Politicians? Business people?, Journalists?

Must go.
