The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106771   Message #2220559
Posted By: Bobert
21-Dec-07 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs, Iran and Bush
Yeah, TIA...

So many of 'um it's hard keepin' 'um straight...

"Bring it on" was one of his dumbest ones... That got another thousand or two American kids killed and maybe another 100,000 Iraqis...

"Axis of Evil" was also real dumb... Made Bush look to the world like the cowboy jerk that he really is...

But the "We don't torture" is probably the best example of being caught in the muiddle of Lies-burg with your pants down... Tell ya' what... Bush and Cheney could use a good waterboarding... We don't torture, my butt... The US prosecuted Japanese soldiers for doing it to US after WW II but now it's not torture???

Beam me up, Scotty...
