The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20907   Message #222102
Posted By: Spider Tom
03-May-00 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: St Albans - Aussie 'catters
Subject: RE: St Albans - Aussie 'catters
Oh how easy it could be to drown in such negitivity.
What has beset the pathetic Harmoniclive.
Quick someone put a poltice upon the poor mans ego.
Have you never watched a swallow fly for the sheer pleasure of flying?
Have you never seen a feather float upon the breese to let the wind take it where it will?
Oh how sad, how lonely you must be to find such pain in the presence of others whom YOU consider, unworthy of your company.
Don't worry we can cope without you, and when in time you have excluded all the unworthy ones from your list , you will once again just have to, GO AND PLAY WITH YOURSELF!
And Lollypop, it looks like, you have ears that don't hear, to be put out in such a way.
You must first check the package before rejecting the contents. It seems that somewhat like,harmonic-Cleaver above you will also have a sticky time on your own.

But on the positive side I trust we all will meet and delve into the simple unselfish pleasures of music-making
And if Harmoniclive or Lollipop were there they could always toss us a penny or two for our troubles, so then they could look a little less hypocritical.
To Garry of Australia I will say that nothing is beyond criticism, and you could indeed be right in a point or two but surely if there is a problem within the folk scene in N.S.W. we could all work together to make it better, and meeting together to make music and talk is surely a step in the right direction.
We could do with your input, not your output.
Keep making music maybe it will help with the healing.