The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2222138
Posted By: GUEST,MeganL's Irrepressible Secret Santa
24-Dec-07 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Thank you for the kind words, my Dear, I'm still blushing furiously. I'm glad you've enjoyed the selection of little knick-knack I've picked out for you, and that the elves haven't laid complete waste to your home yet. I hope you can keep them in check. I'm amazed to hear that your Dauvitt beats that bear to the chocolate santas every time. He must be swifter than I thought, because it is a very fast bear - or have you fed him so well that he's getting fat and incabable of running? I hope the two ankle biters aren't running circles round your legs, at any rate ;-)

Now, I'm anxious to know whether that final present will make it to you in time for Christmas? I had a communication from a postal elf last night, and at that time the news was that he was standing on the shore with a large body of water stretching in front of him, and the wind was picking up, so he was a bit concerned. He did promise me that he would do his utmost to get the package to you on time, and I have every faith that he will, but wind and water are two formidable forces to be reckoned with. Don't be too disappointed, Dear, if he doesn't manage after all. It will get there, never you fear!

Merry Christmas, Megan Dear, it's been a pleasure stringing you along ;-)

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