The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106567   Message #2222262
Posted By: Megan L
25-Dec-07 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa messages part two
Well Santa dear the wind picked up most fearful it may have blown said postal elf to Kingdom Come but i am sure he will get back on track in a couple of days then when it is all over and folks are glum I will still have a pressie to open:)

Those daschies are dashing around the room at this very moment helping me prepare the Goose and make cranberry and apple relish. The elves are sleeping but i can see noses twitching at the smell of my bacon buttie so trouble might start soon.

I hope you and yours have a splendiferous day
Awra best