The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107216 Message #2222447
Posted By: Arnie
25-Dec-07 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Working on Christmas Day
Subject: RE: BS: Working on Christmas Day
Well, I'm pleased not to be working Christmas Day this year, even at double time. However, a lot of my colleagues will be working at UK airports because the airport authorities and the airlines like to make that bit of extra money, even on such an important Christian festival as Christmas day - aren't we supposed to be a Christian country after all? Bet the directors and senior managers are at home celebrating with their families whilst the poor old workers are keeping the wheels oiled as per usual. And next year, I could well be one of them if the roster throws up my number!! Ah well, I shall enjoy today in the bosom of my family and worry about next year when it comes around. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone.