The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107216   Message #2223425
Posted By: wysiwyg
27-Dec-07 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Working on Christmas Day
Subject: RE: BS: Working on Christmas Day
It's not Christmas Day anymore, but it's one of the two days after the holiday Hardi which traditionally tries to take as time off, and it's also our 15th anniversary. Tray glam-- I just got the ignored dishes loaded in the DW and I have some laundry to run because Hardi's out visiting a failing patient at a nursing home. He agreed to "pastor" her several years ago when she was moved here from somewhere else; she was without a local priest unless he signed up. Well, he's gone to see her regularly, and they just called to say, "It's time soon," so......

It's hard for people to understand why this doesn't piss me off, but I love our life and I fully support his emergency absences. Like Carmela Soprano says to Tony when he's about to lam outta town for a couple of days on the quick, "I know the drill."
