The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107216   Message #2223685
Posted By: GUEST,LTS pretending to work for the last time thi
28-Dec-07 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Working on Christmas Day
Subject: RE: BS: Working on Christmas Day
Well, that's it... we've logged nearly 3,000 accounts this week, averaging a thousand a day between a maximum of 10 people. I'm not looking forward to next week, when we have to capture them all!

Tax returns may not be as important as fire, ambulance or police crews, but we have our place in the world. Our logging these returns now, means that 3,000 people won't get threatening letters in the post next month.

Happy New Year folks.

LTS - who is out of here and back to a house full of crap that has to be shifted before Monday!