Well, I do think it's fascinating what a wealth of conspiracy theories we have to choose from on Mudcat threads below the line.
Just a few of the greatest hits:
1) Religion is the root of all evil.
2) The 2004 election was stolen by Diebold (or Diebold machines, manipulated by Bush partisans). I have no idea how much validity this has--it sure hasn't been proven, and there are far more plausible reasons for the outcome.
Corollary--the 2008 election is also already lost.
3) The plausible reasons for 2004 do not include some undetermined powers that be, knowing Dean was the more powerful candidate--dead wrong on that--deciding to eliminate Dean so that Bush could be elected. Sorry, that just doesn't pass elementary logic.
4) The usual leftist theories of world domination, usually centering around big money--either Bilderbergs, Wall St, or unnamed nefarious financial interests, who of course are all in collusion--there is no competition between them.
5) The US government blew up the Twin Towers, or OK'ing it. To our credit, we mostly reject that one.
6) The US invaded Iraq as part of a plan to take over all world oil resources--at the behest of Big Oil, if that's your chosen flavor of conspiracy.
7) The US is in danger of being taken over by (this time) Spanish-speaking hordes, who will give California New Mexico, Arizona, etc. back to Mexico, push many Americans onto unemployment, and relegate English-speakers to a pathetic fringe.
I'm sure you can add more.
"But it really doesn't matter (what) you put upon the list..."
Actually what I was really interested in is why Mudcat is so honored as to have this wonderful assortment of conspiracy theories.
One possibility might be the comfortable anonymity Mudcat affords to anybody who does not use his or her real name. With anonymity, a poster can hazard the most absurd theories imaginable, secure in the knowledge that he or she will not have to defend them--after all, it's not the poster's real name.
You can make the most unlikely allegations--for instance, an all-encompassing and long-standing US imperialist plot--and never have to provide any evidence. In a 3-D conversation, your debate partner could press you for evidence--and walking away might be awkward. On Mudcat, no problem--just go to another thread, another site--or anywhere else--and wait til the thread disappears.