The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308   Message #2224254
Posted By: Ron Davies
29-Dec-07 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Yes, Kevin, obviously conspiracies do exist--it seems very likely that Bhutto's death was due to a conspiracy--but not definitely. The Bush campaign to hoodwink the US public into supporting a war against Iraq is another that could be labelled a conspiracy--quite a few people engaged in promoting a view that some of them knew was not supported, and consciously keeping evidence that might refute their views from being made public.

But Mudcatters seem to see a lot more of them than the general educated public does. All the ones on my list are conspiracy theories.

And obviously not just Mudcatters like--and possibly believe them. The Da Vinci Code is a perfect case in point--who knows how many people actually believe that Opus Dei actually sponsors murder? Some no doubt do believe it--since it confirms their already firmly-held prejudice.

And to label all labeling of such ideas "shoddy thinking" is itself shoddy thinking. I trust you were not doing so.