The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308   Message #2224614
Posted By: freightdawg
29-Dec-07 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Hey Riginslinger,

As I mentioned, an alternative theory is one that proposes other facts or scenarios to explain an event. A conspiracy theory involves an alternative theory (assuming the primary explanation does not also involve a conspiracy) but one that demands multiple layers of actors, some of whom don't even know about the existance of others, and a great deal of collusion and cover-up. The problem is that in any conspiracy there are always leaks and the larger the assumed conspiracy the requirement for perfect secrecy becomes untenable.

Hence, I cannot give credence to the JFK assassination conspiracy because (I admit in most, but not all) theories there are just too many layers.

True, in the 9/11 attacks there were multiple players, some of whom did not even know about the existance of others. This is an example of a well constructed conspiracy - assuming you stop with the hijackers and their superiors, up to and including Bin Laden. Where the whole thing fades into lunacy is when the conspirators are said to include key members of the adminstration, or the FBI, or the CIA, or other branch of the US military.

And, by the way, to prove a "link" between criminals and someone else does not, by itself, prove a "causal link." Therefore to say the CIA may have had indications an attack was imminent does not make them a co-conspirator. To be a conspirator involves not only connection, but knowledge and active participation.

I have seen and read explanations of how the towers collapsed. They were prepared by different people, with all of the facts available to be evaluated by the public. I am perfectly satisfied that the mass of the planes times the speed of impact combined with the tons of aviation fuel was more than enough to cause the buildings to collapse. These plans were well planned, and much to our great sorrow, impeccably executed.

As for JFK, yes, Ruby shooting Oswald creates a whole new issue. But aside from a lot of suggestions and proposals, there has never been any qualified evidence that a second shooter was involved. How connected with the mafia was Oswald? I don't think a well planned hit would involve a flake like Oswald. Too much would then depend on his murder. ABC aired a great story on this assassination and how each and every question regarding Oswald has a perfectly acceptable answer. Acceptable, that is, unless you demand that he was killed as a part of a larger conspiracy.

If JFK was taken out by a conspiracy, it has to be said that it is the perfect conspiracy, and, being the perfect conspiracy, it will never be proven.
