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Thread #107308   Message #2224643
Posted By: Riginslinger
29-Dec-07 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Freightdawg - Some people benefited hugely by both the JFK assassination and the World Trade Center attack. It wouldn't seem out of line to inquire as to their possible involvement.

                         But getting back to Ron's list, there is this:

"1) Religion is the root of all evil."
                      It seems like it is to me, but that's opinion. I don't see how this qualifies as a conspiracy.

"2) The 2004 election was stolen by Diebold (or Diebold machines, manipulated by Bush partisans). I have no idea how much validity this has--it sure hasn't been proven, and there are far more plausible reasons for the outcome."
                      Okay, but why do we need them. We'd been conductin elections for 200 years before Diebold came along. Why throw in an extra unknown and further undermine public confidence.

"4) The usual leftist theories of world domination, usually centering around big money--either Bilderbergs, Wall St, or unnamed nefarious financial interests, who of course are all in collusion--there is no competition between them."
                         It's absolutely laughable to hear right wing politician talk about a "free market" economy. Markets are manipulated to their own advantage every day by players who control huge gobs of amalgamated capitol. To think markets run on a free flow of ideas and unfettered trading is nothing short of stupid. Somebody believing that and his money would be soon parted.

"7) The US is in danger of being taken over by (this time) Spanish-speaking hordes, who will give California New Mexico, Arizona, etc. back to Mexico, push many Americans onto unemployment, and relegate English-speakers to a pathetic fringe."
                         There are political organizations out there that advocate this very thing. The Nation of Aztlan is one of them. They might not ever be successful, but everytime a Hispanic politician gets elected, or one of their kind gets appointed to a professorship at a university they go on line and inform their constituency, "We are this much closer."
                         Maybe they should be ignored, but they don't seem to think so and apparently the people they champion don't either. At least, they never seem to object.

                         That's about all I can comment on in one session.