The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107337   Message #2224939
Posted By: TheSnail
30-Dec-07 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Trip to Jerusalem (English pub)
Subject: RE: BS: The Trip to Jerusalem
This is an extract from this article in the Guardian.

What has happened in Lewes has come as no surprise to regulars at pubs in Nottingham, where Greene King took over the 170-year-old Hardys and Hansons Kimberley brewery in June last year, plus 268 pubs, including the medieval Olde Trip to Jerusalem, built into the walls of Nottingham Castle. Within months it had closed the brewery, made 80 workers redundant, and moved production to Bury St Edmunds, despite a petition signed by thousands. Camra's Nottingham branch has complained to the city's trading standards department. " It is still selling 'Kimberley' ale in Nottingham pubs, with a picture of the old brewery on the pump," says local spokesman Andrew Ludlow. "How can it be the same product if it is brewed elsewhere with different ingredients? Someone going into a pub in Nottingham may have a choice of Ruddles, Kimberley, Old Speckled Hen and Greene King IPA. But they are all brewed at the same giant plant in Suffolk." He points to the folly, at a time of worry about carbon emissions, of closing local breweries and trucking in faux "local" ales from hundreds of "beer miles" away.