"one of their kind"--that sounds perilously close to racism. We don't need that.
You really think religion--and not abuse of religion-- is the root of all evil? Have you not read anything anybody else has said on the topic?
As for why that's a conspiracy hypothesis (weaker than theory, thus worthy of less respect)--try the Opus Dei garbage. Do you seriously think Opus Dei would have had people killed to prevent an allegation that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were lovers (that's who it was, wasn't it?) from being made public?
And so on.
The world capitalist conspiracy, another gem. Of course Citibank and Bank of America never compete against each other, not to mention the Dresdner Bank, a host of Japanese banks, etc.
Sure there's too much power concentrated in too few hands--Macroslop, for instance. But even there there are countervailing forces. The EC just reined in Macroslop--which had been fined a record amount--and will force them to change the way they do business in Europe--and thus the world.
People who believe in the 6 conspiracies I've listed need to read more.
And start thinking.
I'm just surprised that Mudcatters--a highly educated bunch--seem to have so many who buy conspiracy theories or conspiracy hypotheses.