"'1. "The Last Temptation of Christ" is a NOVEL, a work of FICTION, or to put it another way, LIES TOLD FOR MONEY. So is "The Da Vinci Code."'
In all honesty, I don't think Nikos Kazantzakis wrot "The Last Temptation of Christ" for money. I think it was really an heart felt portrayal of what he felt his Eastern Orthodox religion to be. The church didn't agree, obviously.
"The Da Vinci Code," I would agree, was written for money, as is most pop-fiction you find on the shelves of supermarkets.
I would like to make the case, however, that there is honest serious fiction out there.
There is also a whole lot of garbage sold under the auspices of Non-Fiction. I'm not familiar with this: "The Nag Hammadi Library" I'm sure it is informative material, but much of the popular non-fiction is more misleading than fiction because the reader is lead to believe that it is true, when in fact much of the time it is not.