The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106057   Message #2225451
Posted By: Jeri
31-Dec-07 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: Where is Micca?????
Subject: RE: Where is Micca?????
Liz, borrow someone's dog.

I worry at what the smell might be. Cat comments, a small furry corpse or perhaps a larger, less furry one. We know it's not Himself, because he's posting from his Undisclosed Location.

I certainly hope the weather is better where he is, because there's 7" of snow on my porch, my car and my driveway, which may be easy to shovel because it's the fluffy stuff. Plus, it's supposed to stop around noon.

Am I stupid enough to drive in it? Quite possibly, but only time will tell how bad the roads are. At least there will be fewer drunks on the road tonight. More will probably be some distance off the road.

Oh well, I just hope Micca's someplace safe and warm, curled up with a nice mug of something and a warm computer