The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308 Message #2225454
Posted By: Donuel
31-Dec-07 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: New World Order ????????????
I can not change a belief. But I can quote facts and introduce a language that may allow a person to learn something new about a pre existing idea.
The term 'New World Order' is the gift of the banking and corporation funded think tanks. The exact term New World Order was first used in public addresses by President GHW Hush.
What is it really? Here it is straight up with no satire or spoon feeding... It is a push to privatize everything along the lines of an extreme fundamentalist Capitalism.
You might ask Everything?
Beyond private property and private corporations I point out: private armies, private police, private legislaters, Privatized National Parks, privatized health care, privatized social security cetera.
Putting these corporate ideas of ultimate privatization into play via banking systems like the New World Bank is often called Globalization.
Conentrating wealth in a handful of banks and corporation which are in turn owned by even fewer families is effective in removing the last remaing vestigal powers of labor unions and Law (laws like zoning, tax and numerous consumer safety regulations) To enhance Globalization the social safety nets of FDR are called socialist and very bad. National health care is communist and very bad. Social Security is broke and very bad.
With legislators becoming essentially privatized by corporate contributions the only stumbling block to most Globalization (formerly called New World Order) tactics are the courts.
Perhaps you don't see as I do how the courts are under attack by Globalists. Perhaps you don't see that threats of; terror, natural disaster, disease and impending doom actually changes the behavior of people to allow freedom itself to be traded away for huge sudden sweeping security laws and economic slavery, al in the sheeps clothing of security.
Yet let me assure you that the old term 'New World Order' (which did not play well since it sounds too close to the truth) is alive and well in Globalization.
A preconceived notion as to what New World Order/Globalization meant may be far from what it is. It is simply an extreme form of capitalism which relies on anti democratic and powerful media propoganda. The weakening of goverment agenices and the strengthening of private corporate agencies.
Thats why there was a private beefed up Blackwater and Walmart response to Katrina while FEMA had its guts brains and balls removed by the Globalist administration. The only goverment agency to respond to Katina immediately was the Coast Guard and the Candain Mounties.
People argue here all the time about various aspects of globallization as if its a red or blue issue or a democratic vs. fascist issue. The arguemnts can be anything we want it to be but Globalization ie NWO is swallowing us all as we bicker.