The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107386   Message #2225715
Posted By: BlueSage
31-Dec-07 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Ashley's 1933 2nd verse to Little Sadie
Subject: Lyr Req: Ashley's 1933 2nd verse to Little Sadie
I've been try to decipher the 2nd verse to Clarence Ashley's 1929 version of "Little Sadie" and I'm stuck on one word. I need some other "ears" to help me out...

I woke next morning at half-a past nine
The buggies and hacks all (missing word) in line.
The gents and the gamblers standin' around
A gonna take Sadie to her burying ground

The word sounds like "sloughed", but this doesn't make any sense. Any other ideas?