The film is not so much propaganda as 'un-brainwashing'. In the USA we have all been raised thinking it is normal to pay the doctor for care, which made perfect sense back when that amounted to an occasional $10 or a chicken. Over the years we have all gotten used to onerous insurance premiums, sky-high deductibles, gouge-priced drugs, and medical care getting more and more expensive, to the point it is killing some of us. But still we think we need a 'free-market'. We don't really have a free market, we have a corporate-welfare state, but most of us still think we have 'the greatest medical system on earth'.
So the film, in a very good-natured way, tries to undo the deepseated brainwashing, and to do that it explores the whole concept of how the rest of the world handles the care vs. money relationship. If you're already on board with socializing medicine, no need to see the picture. If you think 'socialized medicine' would be awful, and have never pondered the fact that public schools are not pay-to-play, then rent the dvd and learn some things.