The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308   Message #2226334
Posted By: Ron Davies
01-Jan-08 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity

Just how out of touch are you?

"Religious Right" would be happier with Dean? As a sage once said, get a grip on reality.

Very few believe in these conspiracies?


1) Quite a few seem to still believe the 2004 election was stolen by Diebold or Bush partisans acting through Diebold.

2) Somebody you know well was recently trying to ascribe all evil in the world to religion.

3)   The same person was talking about La Voz de Aztlan. I wonder what the point of that was.

And the others on my list also have their adherents.

It may be that few actually do believe in these conspiracies. But for some reason they tend to be some of the more vocal posters.