The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107409   Message #2227546
Posted By: Vic Smith
03-Jan-08 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The lad with his trousers on
Subject: ADD: Jacky Tar
GUEST,kenny wrote
I believe he got his version of the song from "Ord's Bothy Ballads".
It's on Page 324 and 335 of Ord where the words are:-


Air.—" Jack   Tar   Hornpipe."

WHEN Jack had pulled the oar, and the boat had gone,
Left his lassie on the shore with her head hanging down,
The tears stood in her eyes, and her bosom heaving sighs,
Fareweel, my dear, she cries, with your trousers on.

Fareweel, said he, I go to sea, and you must stay behind,
But do not grieve, for while I live I ever will prove kind;
And when I come to land you must meet me on the strand,
And welcome Jacky Tar, with his trousers on.

Now peace is proclaimed, and the wars are all o'er,
The fleet is moor'd, and the sailors come ashore;
Now you may see her stand, with a glass in her hand,
To welcome Jack to land, with his trousers on.

While up on high she caught his eye with all her lovely charms,
Then quickly from aloft he came and took her in his arms;
Her hand he kindly pressed, as he held her round the waist;
And he kissed the bonnie lassie, with his trousers on.

O! where have you been since you left me?
Or what ills have you seen upon the raging sea?
I have mourned for your sake, till my heart was like to break,
For I thought I'd ne'er see Jack, with his trousers on.

And while you stayed I sigh'd and pray'd to Neptune and to Mars,
That they would prove kind and send you home from the wars:
And to my request they have pleased for to list,
And sent you home to my breast, with your trousers on.

I've sailed the seas for you to the Torrid Zone,
From the confines of Peru to Van Dieman's Land,
From the Bay of Baltimore to the coast of Labrador;
But now I'm safe on shore, with my trousers on.

I've faced the storms in many forms upon the raging main;
I've fought my foes with deadly blows, and many a hero slain;
I've heard the cannons roar, I've been rolled in blood and gore;
But now I'm safe on shore, with my trousers on.

I've been aloft when the winds they have blown,
And I've been aloft when the bombs were thrown;
But, like a sailor bold, I've now come from the hold
With my pockets full of gold and my trousers on.

And now no more from shore to shore I'll plough the raging seas,
But from the strife, as man and wife, we'll live in peace and ease.
To the church this couple hied, and the priest the knot has tied,
And the sailor kissed his bride, with his trousers on.