Ron - My reaction to your most recent post is--what kinds of mushrooms have you been putting in your soup?
Timothy McVay (I guess it's really spelled McVeigh) did what he did, by his own admission for the sole purpose of avenging the Branch Dividians. As far as I can see, there was nothing else out there to motivate him.
I don't recall any reference to Russell Means, and had to look him up to even find out who he even was (is?). And I don't see anyone out there drawing a parellel to Hitler.
If you don't think these groups have any clout, why do you think all of the Democratic candidates are tripping all over themselves for the purpose of cultivating the Latino vote?
You continue to ask for evidence. Evidence is provided, and you change the subject. All you have to do is to visit the La Vos de Aztlan website and they'll be happy to show you what they are thinking. Look at a few of the MEChA websites as well--most are pretty tame, but a few of them show their true colors.
When you've had a chance to review the evidence, come back and let us know what you think.