The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107477   Message #2228087
Posted By: GUEST,Keinstein
04-Jan-08 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ethical unethical? Research on twins
Subject: BS: Ethical unethical? Research on twins
Twins were deliberately separated at birth in an experiment to determine the relative effects of inheritance and upbringing.

I find this very disturbing. I can't quite say why- clearly the two children involved had happy adoptive homes and have grown into well adjusted adults. But the notion of treating people as objects comes to mind, and the witholding of full information from them strikes me as needless cruelty and a bully's attitude to the wielding of power.

I think the psychiatrist involved needs a course in the basics of human morality, though it is probably too late by now. Any other views?