The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106501   Message #2228312
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Ryszkiewicz
04-Jan-08 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Bruce Murdoch podcast
Subject: RE: Bruce Murdoch podcast
Hi Kids!: I'm thinking of Bob Ryszkiewicz's posts...HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!!!. I'M Bob Ryszkiewicz! And I and I's take on this goes something like this...In fact, it goes EXACTLY like this. #1 ASK Bruce & Noah if it's O.K. #2 THIMK! (Just trying to make you laugh). All I can do to help, even though nobody asked me to, is to relate my personal experiences on the web which have been eye opening. My contacts literally go around the world, China, India, Sao Paulo, Brazil, places I can't pronounce...(sort of like you guys with my name. No, not Bob. The other one).
Once an mp3 is out there, it's OUT there. Two days ago, I got an email from a radio station asking me to be sure to "tune in" as "my segment" was going to be aired on Wednesday between 3-5p.m. Duh. What segment? Chat? Huh?! So permission is always nice.
And all of this is under the control of Mr. Bruce. How far does HE want to take it? Is there a plan? Are you doing a "Folk" album, or something more like Gordon Lightfoot, or James Blunt? Marketing? Tours? T-shirts? Does he want to keep it to CD's, or use Digital Distribution? I, like Ron Bankley, think that the show should be recorded. Hendrix did that. Sammy Davis Jr. did that with photography, and both left a legacy for fans around the world to enjoy. But if "wishes were horses, then men might ride..."
And yeah, I've got one of those super-tekkie digital recorders about the size of a large cigarette lighter, line out, direct to computer, mp3/CD, the world...But I think it would be cool to ask permission first. Keep it to personal use. Then everybody's happy.
I think all of us are hoping that Bruce hits a home run with this, and that he gets the recognition he deserves.
Looking forward to the show...bob