The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308   Message #2229060
Posted By: Riginslinger
05-Jan-08 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Ron - All of this name calling and finger pointing doesn't seem to be moving the ball down the field.

                         Maybe if we stood back and looked at the big picture. It's not just people from South and Central America migrating to the US, in Europe there are people migrating from Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia. None of that would cause those of us who are concerned about environmental issues a great deal of heart burn if the populations in the places the people are coming from were going down.
                        Those populations are not going down, and that's the problem.

                        I would agree that Tom Tancredo is against illegal immigration for all of the wrong reasons, but he's against it, so it becomes a "lesser of two evils" kind of thing. And to me, it's a no-brainer--his evil is much less threatening than the evil of wall-to-wall people.