The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107308   Message #2229164
Posted By: Ron Davies
05-Jan-08 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity
Subject: RE: BS: Conspiracy Theories' Popularity

I told you exactly why there is a huge difference between the legal Hispanic vote and the crackpots allegedly dreaming about returning part of the US to Mexico.

Now do you understand or not?

And if you do understand, you should also be able to recognize that anybody who takes seriously the idea of any group with any clout pushing to return any part of the US to Mexico has bought into that conspiracy theory--with absolutely no evidence. Just publication of the idea says nothing about how widespread support--among any group--including Hispanics---there is for such a move.

And if you think there is such support, we need to see the evidence.

Otherwise, it seems likely you are simply scare-mongering. Unsurprisingly.

Just as, for instance, there is very little support among secularists for "stamping out" religion. Radical solutions to problems often find little favor.

And if you do not respond directly to my question above, it will be obvious you want to drop the topic you yourself brought up--since you realize it's a loser. But I can tell you I will not drop it til I get a straight answer out of you.