The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55595 Message #2229366
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Jan-08 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks
Subject: RE: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks
And while we're talking about thread categories, I think there is definitely no need to have separate thread category tags for song tunes/chords/lyrics/add/subtract/multiply/divide. If there's a thread on a song that need has lyrics, you can use that song to request chords and melody, too. In fact, when we're alert, we editing volunteers sometimes change the thread title to reflect the most recent need. When we're talking songs, it's best to have one thread per song - or a reasonable approximation thereof. I occasionally lobby Max to reduce the number of song thread categories to one or two, but I haven't won that one yet.
The "folklore" tag is supposed to be only for non-music information that is of use to musicians - mostly folklore itself, but perhaps also linguistics and history and the like.
One other thing - anybody can establish a thread category - all you have to do is start using it. If people like it, maybe they'll start using it, too.