The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21088   Message #222951
Posted By: Amos
04-May-00 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Subject: RE: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
The systems maintenance staff at Science Applications international, a large US engineering and science firm, have posted the following to their personnel nationwide:

"E-Mail Virus Alert! SAIC E-Mail Services Currently Unavailable.

All SAIC E-Mail services are currently unavailable due to a virus in the system. If you receive an e-mail message with the subject line "ILOVEYOU," delete it immediately without opening the message. E-Mail Services is working to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Your patience is appreciated"

The virus goes into your address book and starts sending the message to everyone in your address books. There may also be a blue screen.