The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2229678
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Jan-08 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
It doesn't take a lot of brains to understand that a Vice President is chosen mostly for what s/he brings in terms of votes to the ticket. That is politics 101. Richardson is the odds on favorite for VP for a simple reasons. He brings western States and the Hispanic vote, which most of us who have actual experience in these things know is the most important emerging electorate out there. He adds the one cred that Barak Obama needs. Foreign policy experience, with a resume' that is hard to match. No matter who gets the nomination on the Democratic side, it is a very good bet that Richardson will be the VP.

Clinton did pretty well last night, but I think I come down on the side of Steve McMahon and Mike Murphy this morning on Meet the Press. She still has a chance, but the trending should be of great concern to her. She is headed one way, and Obama is headed the other. If he does well in NH and SC, this thing is over.

My guy, John Edwards, it appears to me, is making a 12th round stand. Based on what I saw last night, he is playing the position game for after the nomination. He is still the one I would prefer.

Obama and Richardson. This could be a very good year.
