The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107512   Message #2230086
Posted By: GUEST,Texas Guest
06-Jan-08 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Edwards
Subject: RE: BS: John Edwards
Well, he's my guy. I heard him speak three years ago when he addressed the Texas Democrat State Convention and I was blown away.
He has presence, he has poise, he's articulate and he has heart - what's not to like? I, personally, would love to see an Edwards/
Kucinich ticket, but it'll never happen. I think his best hope is to
get a VP slot with somebody, but I don't know who.

On another note, it seems to me that Richardson (who is good, too) is bucking for a VP spot and I wouldn't be surprized to see him teamed up with Clinton for this go-round. Finally, I wouldn't mind seeing John Edwards run with his wife, Elizabeth, as a VP - another great ticket that we'll never see. Keep up the hope. Cheers.