The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107512   Message #2230368
Posted By: GUEST,Janie
07-Jan-08 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Edwards
Subject: RE: BS: John Edwards
Rig - I'm still on the fence, but at present am leaning a little bit toward Obama. Our primary is not until May 6. Electability is probably going to be the deciding factor for me, as I don't have strong reservations about any of the Democratic hopefuls. I don't support Kucinich, simply because I do not think he is electable under any conditions.   Right now, I would guess that Obama is the most capable of getting both liberal and moderate Democrats off their duffs and to the polls, and of attracting swing voters. I'm not sure Clinton could garner the swing votes, and might generate enough backlash to help the Republican candidate. Right now, I don't know that Edwards could rally the voter turn-out that might be needed for the Democratic candidate to win. Richardson is simply too much of a long-shot.

May is a long time off, and we all know how quickly the picture can change. I could support any of them in the general election. I'm gonna wait and jump on the biggest, brightest bandwagon come May 6.
