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Thread #107495   Message #2230406
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Jan-08 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kucinich files a complaint
Subject: RE: BS: Kucinich files complaint
Yes, that's correct, Rinslinger. They can shape perceptions the way they best want it merely by the questions they decide to ask...and the ones they decide not to.

That's a clever and devious way to shape the agenda and mould the public's view of the process. You just leave out certain key questions that ought to be asked!

The same thing is done all the time in public opinion polls. The questions in the poll are carefully crafted and worded so as to automatically deliver the very answers that the pollsters would like to get.

Flim-flam and chicanery. That's corporate salesmanship. Tell the people only what you want them to know, and nothing more. Create the impression that will sell the product.

What Kucinich and Ron Paul in particular are doing is they are refusing to play the standard political game and stay within the standard limits. They are pulling back the curtain that hides "the Great Oz". They are openly saying the things that the others in their respective parties will not say...and pointing out that the emperor has no clothes, when no one else will even remark on it. That pre-emptive war is an unconstitutional violation of international law and a betrayal of historical American values.

It surprises me, therefore, that Ron Paul has not already been screened out of the public perception by the networks, as they have certainly attempted to do with Kucinich.