The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21088   Message #223077
Posted By: Escamillo
04-May-00 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Subject: RE: Tech: Despicable Virus Alert
Thanks Amos, as far as Buenos Aires I received some alert message too, but until now there is still no damage. It's a good opportunity to REMIND EVERYBODY TO NEVER, NEVER OPEN AN ATTACHMENT IF YOU DID NOT SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR IT. I´m sorry for any friends who may want to cheer me through messages like "hi", "see this", "listen to this" - I consider them in the same category as "earn money at the Web" and even "Virus alert" - I eliminate the message and the attachment without reading it.
WE ARE REGISTERED IN MUCH MORE LISTS THAN WE CAN IMAGINE. See (Gibson Research Corp.) for a good explanation on how trojan programs work, and a program that will analyze your PC and give you more than one surprise, the program is OPTOUT. I have strong reasons to suspect that those trojans, introduced in your PC along with freeware programs, will CALL the headquarters of virus distributors and GIVE them your e-mail address, as well as they actually do to spammers.
Beware. Un abrazo - Andrés