The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2230805
Posted By: Ron Davies
07-Jan-08 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Obama Moslem or not. Obviously not. But look at how Rig phrased it--not "Moslem"
but "Islamic ties". It's the nebulous phrasing which is particularly damning--allows all sorts of speculation. I suspect that in some minds it's worse than "Moslem"--and that is exactly why that phrase is used.

And of course totally without foundation--especially the sinister "ties" which are meant to be raised. As I've already pointed out. It appears his father was Moslem. Obama himself went to school in Indonesia from age 6 to 10. Not a madrassa. In fact it may be an advantage for him--he still speaks a bit of Indonesian. End of "Islamic ties".

Another item:

Rig: "Ron, I've read where other Republicans are trying to convince the Democrats to nominate Obama as well. You're not alone out there."

Gee, Rig, if I didn't know better I might possibly think , that, as the master of the deft smear--Bush may still have a place for you even in his last year-- you're trying to smear me by implying that I want Obama so the Republicans can beat him. Good thing we know you'd never stoop to anything so low. Heaven forbid.

And of course your theory, as usual, shows less than perfect logic, shall we say. In fact Obama is by far the strongest Democratic candidate--especially for his willingness to reach out to non-Democrats. And you've provided no evidence to the contrary.

Perhaps you're unaware that there are such things as sensible Republicans--moderate to liberal--not of the Bush-Cheney-Rove stripe. I assure you we do exist. Sen. Lugar is good example. McCain is sensible on some issues, but nobody who imagines we can achieve "victory" in Iraq gets my vote.