The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107568   Message #2231403
Posted By: lady penelope
08-Jan-08 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: U>K> Virus--everyone o.k.?
Subject: RE: BS: U>K> Virus--everyone o.k.?
Yes folks it's good old Winter Vomiting Syndrome (more accurately Norovirus) time in old Blighty once more. Breaks out regular as clockwork about Christmas every year, when everybody goes back to their ancestral homes to exchange germs...

We then see a rise in cases from Christmas to a couple of weeks past New Year when it peters out, with a lovely little resurgence about February. Especially if half term is early.

Ah the joys of working in a microbiology lab....

Norovirus - 24 - 36 hours of vomiting & or diarrhoea, then, apart from feeling weak as a kitten you're generally fine. It's only a real danger to very young children and the infirm.

The coughing and the sneezing things are various versions of the common cold, not that that makes it feel any better. Unless you really can't get out of bed it ain't influenza.