The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2231456
Posted By: Stringsinger
08-Jan-08 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Limbaugh's ignorance is monumental. Most African-Americans have caucasion ancestry in their background. In some African countries, they would be considered to be "white".

O is not a Muslim but a declared Christian. Nixon's father was a Quaker but did that make Nixon one? I think not. Hillary's father was a rib-rocked Republican, Hugh Rodham.
Some may argue that Hillary is one too but she has registered Democratic.

Isn't it weird that the Crusades are still being fought?

Obama has a lot of charisma and this seems to be the most propelling aspect of his campaign. He is vague on many issues and seems to be beholden to certain branches of the Health Care Industry lobbyists and one lobbyist of the Nuclear Industry. His campaign unlike Kucinich or Edwards is funded by corporate lobbyists as well as private donors.
I think the 527's control him as well as Hillary and the Union 527's run Edwards race.

He preaches hope and inclusion but doesn't address the issues that divide the country.
There are ideological differences that may take many years to take apart.
I don't think he comes out very well on campaign finance reform.

He is not clear on a time-table on Iraq, either. Dennis says "get out now!"
