The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41009   Message #2231492
Posted By: Long Firm Freddie
08-Jan-08 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Subject: RE: Fender Acoustic Guitars
I'm a lucky member of the F35 owner's club - got it new in the early 70's for £75 quid - there was someone else playing it in the shop, but he passed on it, bless him, saying the bass was too boomy. I loved the sound, still do. Whips up a storm playing rhythm on old timey tunes.

It loves a fresh set of D'Addario phosphor bronze mediums. It almost seems to sit up and beg when I open a new packet!

Rock solid neck, straight as a die. Just one flaw, a slightly dodgy tuner on the second string. I could do something about it, I suppose, but I love it just as it is.
