The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2231499
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jan-08 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Listen, ya' all...

Yeah, there will be a number or fringe radical right wing groups that are going to try to bash Obame for this or that...

Rigs got an email today bashing Obama's church...

This election is going to be differenet because, where these thing might have worked in the past, I think the average voter has had just about enough of Swiftboating... They certainly have had enough of the Rush Limbaugh's of the world... Might of fact they have had enough of radicals, be they on the left or the right...

So, and you heard it here first, the more Obama bashing that the right can do the better Obama's chances of winning in Novemeber... I know this flies in the face of "conventional wisdom" but "convwentional wisdom" has gotten us the likes of George Bush and that is why the voters will be very leary of negative ads this time around...

Obama/Richardson in '08!!!
