The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107606   Message #2231872
Posted By: Raggytash
09-Jan-08 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: Runswick Bay Rescue Boat - 28 March 2008, Whitby
Once again it's time to tell all you good people about the annual fund raiser for the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat.
This year it will be held on Friday 28th March at the Friendship Rowing Club in Whitby, same format as always if it ain't broke don't fix it.
If anyone would like to donate a raffle prize it would be much appreciated and as always Christine and I will provide a supper for which we will extract as much money as we can from you, normal methods will apply, namely gripping reluctants by the ankles and shaking them till their pockets are empty!

See you there


Nick & Christine