The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107626   Message #2232442
Posted By: Donuel
09-Jan-08 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: an insight regarding autism
Subject: RE: BS: an insight regarding autism
My wife is in childhood development and pathology and seems brainswashed to the idea that mercury in vaccines could not possibly cause autism. I am in the opposite camp while I do share her view that we certainly can diagonose the syndrome far better and more often today.

I speculate that chemical pollution or a neuro toxin might interfers with future nerve cell development within our damaged gamete cells but that isn't proven. Nor would chemical companies want it proven.

This may not be so far out since 100% of all American men have PCB in their gamete cells (sperm)
The PCB moves in and kicks out one DNA rung on the ladder and sits there. IF detected the DNA should reject it when replication occurs but apparently it misses it and lets PCB stay in the gamete chromosme.

All bug poisons act on the nervous system of the bug to kill bugs.
Maybe it acts on ours too.