The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107512 Message #2232981
Posted By: GUEST,pattyClink
10-Jan-08 - 10:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: John Edwards
Subject: RE: BS: John Edwards
Genie, I like your plan. If Dems don't get it together and get real, we will all be facing another 4 years of Bush Lite/Armageddon in the form of McCain or worse.
The only thing that will get a Republican in the South to cross over to the Democratic candidate is if they think the Democrat will take a big axe to the rampant federal government, its social engineering, and its K street friends the huge corporations. Obama and Clinton will not do that, their record is clear. Edwards may be shining us on about it too, but I'd rather have someone in charge who realizes this has become a plutocracy and at least claims to be serious about restructuring it, than someone who is basically going to repaint the deck chairs blue while the ship goes down.
Meanwhile, Obama gets training and seasoning. That could work!