I wasn't there,at KSU, but I wasn't far from there. I was at Wayne State in Detroit, which was shut down by a student/faculty strike, and the one thing that I remember, although not as well as I wish...was that at the same time as the Kent State assasinations, 12 or 14 Black Students at a university in Jackson Mississippi, were killed, with nowhere near the outcry...No one group is neither more nor less important than the other, but it puts the times into context. I dug into my archives, because these threads rekindled a part of my past that I don't visit often enough... I found an advertisement from Eaton Yale and Towne, Inc. that was published in FORTUNE MAGAZINE. It says,"OUR MULTINATIONAL COMPANY LOOKS AT THE WORLD AS ONE BIG GLOBAL MARKET...AND IT LOOKS GREAT! also another ad, from Chemical Bank that starts out"WHEN YOU NEED SOMETHING MORE DIPLOMATIC THAN A GUNBOAT..."This was not about whether we as individuals were right or wrong, it was about how well we understood, what the economic leaders of this country were willing to do to make a buck. You can draw a straight line from the war in southeast asia...to the question of Favored Nation Status for China, and after you do, ask yourself, who lost the war in Viet Nam?