The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2233289
Posted By: Azizi
10-Jan-08 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Here's an interesting dailykos diary about Senator Kerry's endorsement of Senator Obama:

Back from the Obama/Kerry Event
by segseg
Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 11:35:48 AM PST


"Sen. Kerry gave one of the best introductory speeches I have seen. Full of passion, simple yet inspiring language, true conviction for the host he was to introduce. Simultaneously folk around us asked "where was this guy four years ago." Kerry laid out why the naysayers were wrong. How Jefferson was in his twenties when he wrote the Declaration of Independence and how MLK was a mere 34 years old when he marched on Washington.

He conceded that youth inspires and the old politicians must make way for young new exciting passion and ideas. He knew Obama would end the swiftboaters and change tone which he tried to do four years ago.

(Then like Kerry, he went on a bit to long, but what are you going to do.)

Obama then spoke. I had seen most of the speech he gave before on TV, but live, the guy is a leader and a rock star....

I now believe hope alone can breed new ideas and ultimately success. I will not let my ex-favorite politician Bill Clinton to tell me to stop believing in Fairy tales. As the Senator put it, that is what the dream of a country from Sea to shining sea was to many: a fairy tale. But thousands upon thousands went west anyway. Putting a man on the moon: a fairy tale, but Kennedy inspired hope to go and we did.

The Hope to change and make things better–that is what is missing from our country. Bitter over 9-11 we have digressed into grumpy finger pointing doom and gloomers. It must change and change now. Obama can, we can.,,

Hoping the fairy tale of a greater America comes true".....