The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2233549
Posted By: Stringsinger
10-Jan-08 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
OK, I have to reverse myself on Kucinich. I found out that he would run with Ron Paul as a VP and I find this intolerable. Paul is an avowed racist, and had views that run counter
to everything I believe in. DK has just effectively lost his bid for the presidential race by suggesting Paul as a running mate. What must he be thinking to run with Paul who supports David Dukes and is unseemly critical of African-Americans. Wow, was I mislead.

Back to Obama or should I say O-prah-bama (hope he doesn't run against Chuckobee).
His manner is much like a preacher with the "Yes I Can" mantra. He seems likeable and appears to be sincere but I don't find much substance under his stump rhetoric. I know that he has paid a few dues (yes, real experience Hillary) in Chicago politics but he seems unclear as to how he would 1. Bring the troops home from Iraq, 2. Implement health care so that it is out of the hands of the crooked insurance companies, 3. Restore   unionism (although he has received support from the SEIU), 4. Do something about restoring habeas corpus and abolishing the Patriot Act, 5. Get rid of NAFTA and get out of the WTO, 6. Stop the wiretapping and restore FISA, 7. Do something about the dysfunctional voting machines (go back to paper ballots counted at the precinct level), 8. Be serious about eliminating 527's and do campaign finance reform, 9. Outlaw the Telecommunications Act and give the media back to the people, 10. AND take Iran off the table.

Then I could consider his nomination as being viable.

Frank Hamilton