The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2233990
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Jan-08 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
For instance, the Toronto police force has gotten in trouble on occasion for merely saying that an inordinate amount of crime is presently being committed (per capita) by young Black men in Toronto.....and that is the TRUTH!!! And there are a large number of social/financial and cultural reasons for why that is presently the case....and they have nothing to do with Black people being intrinisically better or worse than anyone else!

But the Toronto police spokesman have still been called "racist" for daring to openly say that a large proportion of violent crimes are being committed by young Black men! Even though it's literally true.

So is it "racist" to tell a literal truth? Well, it all gets pretty damned politically motivated in about half a second, doesn't it? The chip you are carrying on your own shoulder will determine exactly how you react to any given truth when it is stated. Do you react in a completely defensive manner, based on your own self-conscious identity as a member of a racial or cultural "group"? Or do you deal with a truth dispassionately and objectively, simply AS what it is...a fact.

Can you step outside the mental box of your own race, religion, nationality, and culture and just act as a completely objective and unprejudiced "human being" instead? Can you stop BEING consciously "White" or "Black" or "Christian" or "Muslim" or "atheist" for one minute and just be human???? Can you do that for 5 minutes? For a whole day?

Very few people seem to be much good at doing that, I've noticed. They fall back on their group identity in the blink of an eye, the moment they're under stress. This means, ultimately, that they don't think objectively so much as they merely react to any outer stimulus which awakens the memory of their past emotional pain.

As such, they are not really free beings. And they probably ARE racist in some measure, although they'd never admit it to themselves or anyone else either. It becomes the unspeakable...that which must be denied at all cost.