The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2234006
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jan-08 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
Oops--I didn't realize I saved the large photo of Cinnamon (the third one). It may take a while to load. I usually make a smaller web version for links.

She is a gorgeous dog, I'm sure she's purebred. She may have papers, but I don't have them. She's as smart as any dog I've ever owned (or met). I've told this story (probably in this thread) several times, so those know know it can skip to the next post. She dragged up my driveway about three years ago, and I saw her from the kitchen window and went out to take a look. I called her, she limped over, I patted her head, she licked my hand, and we had a contract. I'm convinced of it. Neighbors later told me that they'd seen this dog living in the prairie across the road from my house, and she'd been there for weeks, at least. They used to chase her off, being afraid of pits. The vet thought she'd been hit a glancing blow by a car, because she had a lot of cuts and abrasions, but she also had broken teeth in the very front of her mouth from where she probably bounced off of the concrete after she was hit. Poor girl was also dirty and greasy and covered with ticks. That day she arrived I left her be, she slept in the sunny corner near the garage all day and I put out water and kept an eye on her. By about 6pm when I was finishing the yard work I'd done all day she came limping around the house to see what I was doing. A companionable dog, she limped over and nudged my shoulder, kind of asking "what'chu doing?" She followed me with my wheelbarrow into the back yard, and that is where she has lived ever since. I do have a gate, and we do have a companion now and Invisible Fence, because she's smart and does like to visit the neighbors, but it isn't safe for her. Someone afraid of a pit bull might harm her, even as sweet as she is.

I ran an ad, but who was going to respond to a "found: injured pit bull" ad? And if I turned her over to animal control in Fort Worth, they would have destroyed her. It was at least $1000 before she was over her injuries, spayed, dental work, etc., but she is a great dog.