The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107666   Message #2234122
Posted By: Riginslinger
11-Jan-08 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Who Would Jesus Deport?
Subject: RE: Who Would Jesus Deport?
"OK Rig. I'll bite. Play connect the dots for me. How will solving the illegal immigration "problem" resolve the situation in Iraq and global warming? I wanna hear this one."

                   Well, to solve the war in Iraq, you'd have to get rid of the idiot that started it, but that wasn't on John's list.

                   I live in Oregon. A few years back they tried to put in state-wide health care here. What happened was, many people who couldn't get health care in some other place moved to Oregon and swamped the system. That's exactly what would happen with national health care. Look at the way illegal immigrants have swamped the schools.

                  As far as global warming, that's a no brainer. More people simply put more demand on resources. Bringing a bunch of poor people from Latin America and turning them into United States super consumers will make the current rate of global warming look insignificant.

                The biggest problem with the current immigration debate is, the globalists are encouraged to leave the environmental issues out of it.