The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2234397
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jan-08 - 08:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Why 25 years, LH???... Why not just give them probation and 100,000 days of community service???

Might of fact, throw in another 100K for Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rumsy, Wolfsie, Pearle and a couple hundred for Powell for gettin' sucked into Bush's "horror show"...

As for Obama???

Hey, folks will be shootin' at him 'cause "why"??? Because he's the front runner... He is the one who has captured America's spirit... Who wlse are they gonna use up their dry powder on??? JOhn McCain??? He has "zero" chance of becoming the next president... That zero with a capital "Z"... He doesn't offer US anything more than a complete rerun of George Bush???

Yeah, I hope the Repubs nominate McCain... Really, no bull like when the Repubs say stupid stuff like "We hope they nominate Obama"... Thay don't mean it... I very much mean it.... MCcain??? He will keep our kids dieing in Iraq going into the next century... Bring the sumabich on...
