The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100917   Message #2234812
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Jan-08 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our pets favorite things
Subject: RE: BS: Our pets favorite things
Poppy doesn't like it, she wants to rub her face on things because of the muzzle strap, but she walks well on it. I put a choke chain around her neck and then put the Gentle Leader on, and clip her into both. The plastic fastener isn't the strongest and she did pop it one time, so the choke chain is backup, but it hasn't happened again and she does walk better now than when that event happened. You can also clip into the regular collar as backup (the one I keep the name tag and rabies tag on); the main thing is that this harness controls the head from under the chin. The martingale one on Cinnamon is fine because she walks very well and doesn't need the face piece (she doesn't like it either), but I want something that is strong for just in case (if we meet other dogs, especially dogs off a leash it can get to be a tangle in a hurry, though we're getting better at ignoring other dogs and just continuing to walk past them.)